The JPMedics Kawa is our newest chair incorporating refinements and features not normally found on a Japanese manufactured chair. Our 3D robotic engine moves along an extra-long “L-Track” and performs a human-like massage providing a visceral experience from the neck to the glutes. The Kawa features air cell technology to position the body for a better massage and most importantly for effective stretching of the back, shoulders, arms, and legs. The foot rollers are a combination of pressure point massage and compression. Ten expertly choreographed massage programs or a personalized custom massage are at your fingertips using our large touchscreen remote.
Platinum ADEX 2021 Award
At Cozzia we care about your health. Our goal is to improve your health and well-being through wellness seating. Cozzia is not only a wellness seating company but also one who is on the cutting-edge of technology. We are redefining the wellness-seating category with our advances in robotic massage. Cozzia chairs offer technologies ranging from air cell technology, to 4D full body massage, to Zero Gravity. Although we are often recognized for our robotic massage