TecCare is the flooring system healthcare environments have been waiting for. More than just a traditional floating floor, it’s unique, easy to lay vinyl plank system raises the bar for ease of installation and resiliency in some of the most demanding environments in the world. Available in a range of fourteen emulated wood styles, TecCare brings a floating solution that sticks with its innovative peel and stick application. Designed mainly for long-term healthcare facilities, TecCare brings durability, flexibility, low maintenance and, most of all ease of installation and removal to a whole new level. The result is a long lasting product for healthcare environments that is both easy to install and easy to replace as need be. It’s simple installation eliminates the need for an absolute square start and provides a balanced look every time. Featuring a dynamic array of 6” x 36” planks with recycled 12” x 36” vinyl base underlay, its innovative peel and stick application is what sets it apart from traditional healthcare flooring. Engineered to be installed over existing floors, its installation requires minimal subfloor preparation. Its multi-layer construction with an overall gauge of 4.5 mm resists scratching and abrasion, has a great sound absorption as well as outstanding foot comfort. TecCare is a product with a high “turn around” factor, which increases efficiency. There is no adhesive odour, adhesive set up time or delay in getting customers back to work. Since TecCare isn’t built with a “click” system, changing a plank requires minimum time and effort. This means no cutting out of the plank centre and most importantly, no damages to the edge of the planks. Quick, simple, flexible. That’s the beauty of TecCare!