This cotton/viscose fabric is offered in Flax colorway with 2 ½Ã¢â‚¬Â rows of ebony and ivory stripes spaced 7" apart.
Founded in 1972 by world-renowned interior designer Sally Sirkin Lewis, J. Robert Scott is a global design and manufacturing company of fine interior furnishings and fabrics. Credited with developing “California Designâ€, the firm continues to display its neutral color pallets and natural textures and materials in showrooms worldwide. J. Robert Scott products are found in prestigious residential, corporate, hospitality settings as well as private yachts and aircraft. Notable installations include Bergdorf Goodman; Cartier; Nieman Marcus; Tiffany & Co., Bellagio, Las Vegas; Berkeley Hotel, London; AOL/Time Warner; Phillip Morris; and Sony Pictures, among others.Showroom locations include: Atlanta / Chicago / London / Los Angeles / Dallas / Dania / Denver / District of Columbia / Hamburg / Houston / Istanbul / Melbourne / Montreal / Moscow / New York / Paris / San Francisco / Seattle / Sydney / Toronto