This product is produced by an international company devoted to environmental stewardship, as proven in their achievement of ISO14001, ISO9001, and EMAS designations. Significant investments in materials usage and energy efficiency, air quality protection, and water resource management are the hallmarks of their environmental commitment. Environmental Highlights of the Light Shape Collection Porcelain Materials-Does not contain chemical additives, artificial colors, or man-made binders-Offers the lowest-possible porosity of any hard surface material -Is naturally resistant to stains and soils and is scratch resistant -Has a long life-cycle capable of outliving the building for which it is specified
GranitiFiandre has for decades leveraged its Italian roots and global perspective to provide comprehensive surfacing design solutions for commercial and residential applications. Internationally, GranitiFiandre has gathered its vast range of products into five major brands: GeoStyle, Geologica, GeoTecnica, Granitech, and Xtra.From classic to contemporary – from textured to polished – from aggressive hues to receding hues - with GranitiFiandre designers are limited only by their imagination.GranitiFiandre's corporate headquarters, along with two of their production facilities, are located in Italy (Castellarano, Reggio Emilia). Two additional production facilities are located in the USA (Tennessee) and in Germany. Their products are sold in the U.S. through exclusive distributors and GranitiFiandre Resource Centers located in Boston, Chicago, Itasca, Dallas, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Dedication to a healthy and safe environment is an important part of GranitiFiandre's history. Significant investments in materials usage efficiency, air quality protection, water resource management and energy efficiency are the hallmarks of GranitiFiandre's corporate stewardship. GranitiFiandre is a member of the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). The use of their products helps reduce the environmental impacts of building operations. And, GranitiFiandre products may help projects qualify for LEED certification. For more information, visit our websites at www.granitifiandreusa.com and www.gflegacyofgreen.com.