Year: 1904Length: 6 feet, 1 inchesFinsish: Quarter Sawn Oak w/ Hand Painted MuralsStatus: Currently Undergoing Restoration
The starting price of this restored piano is $75,000. If desired, this piano can be equipped with a Pianomation player system to play by itself by streaming music on an iPod, computer, iPad, etc., at an additional cost. See our website for more details about Pianomation player system: http://bit.ly/17hvn1n
The piano is a part of our family — our memories and sentiments are attached to it unlike any other material possession. Enduring through the centuries, the piano has tirelessly given us great pleasure and companionship. We are proud to offer our Gallery & Online Museum as a free educational resource about antique pianos and related instruments.We at Antique Piano Shop seek to educate the public at large, promoting restoration and preservation of antique pianos, organs and related instruments. Our online museum allows us to share our immense collection of ephemera and memorabilia, along with historical texts and photos that have been locked away in private collections for generations.Our staff has spent many years in the field of piano restoration, ultimately making it their lives' work. We are technicians, historians, wood workers, artisans and pianists who have come together to offer this very specialized resource for antique pianos and related instruments.