GE LED Edge Lighting rnhttp://pressroom.geconsumerproducts.com/pr/ge/ge-scientists-enable-all-led-rooms-203524.aspxrnrnThis innovative new product is a must for commercial buildings. A few features include:rn• Long Life — Each fixture type will carry a minimum rating of 35,000 hours (eight years at 12 hours of use each day), compared with a 20,000-hour rating for traditional fluorescent fixtures.rn • Reduced Maintenance Costs — Ultra-efficient LED technology will reduce the frequency of re-lamping.rn • Instant Start — The LED fixtures will turn on instantly without flickers, socket shadows or hot spots.rn • Dimming Capabilities — Each product will be dimmable at 0-10 volts. Most will be DALI compliant, a feature that allows light fixtures to be integrated into a central control system.rn